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Widget Botões Sociais Sexy Bookmark

Que tal colocar ícones das principais redes sociais Bookmarks no final de todas as postagens do blog.
Quando você criar um post, se o visitante gostar ele pode ele pode adicionar ou "favoritar" o seu artigo compartilhando com outras redes sociais compartilhando com outros usuários.

Este acessório foi criado por Digão, do Blogando 2.0 E agora vou esta repassando pra vocês.

Bom e bom lembra que antes de qualquer alteração, e sempre bom backup do seu Template para evitar certas coisas.

1° Passo
Entre na edição html do seu blog e marque "Expandir Modelos de Widgets" e procure pela tag </head>
e cole o código abaixo logo ACIMA dela:

<style type='text/css'> div.sexy-bookmarks { height:54px; background:url('http://i33.tinypic.com/2bdy8k.png') no-repeat left bottom; position:relative; width:540px; }
div.sexy-bookmarks span.sexy-rightside { width:17px; height:54px; background:url('http://i43.tinypic.com/2ueii3t.png') no-repeat right bottom; position:absolute; right:-17px; }
div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials { margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10px; }
div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials li { display:inline-block !important; float:left !important; list-style-type:none !important; margin:0 !important; height:29px !important; width:48px !important; cursor:pointer !important; padding:0 !important; }
div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials a { display:block !important; width:48px !important; height:29px !important; font-size:0 !important; color:transparent !important; }
.sexy-furl, .sexy-furl:hover, .sexy-digg, .sexy-digg:hover, .sexy-reddit, .sexy-reddit:hover, .sexy-stumble, .sexy-stumble:hover, .sexy-delicious, .sexy-delicious:hover, .sexy-yahoo, .sexy-yahoo:hover, .sexy-blinklist, .sexy-blinklist:hover, .sexy-technorati, .sexy-technorati:hover, .sexy-facebook, .sexy-facebook:hover, .sexy-twitter, .sexy-twitter:hover, .sexy-myspace, .sexy-myspace:hover, .sexy-mixx, .sexy-mixx:hover, .sexy-script-style, .sexy-script-style:hover, .sexy-designfloat, .sexy-designfloat:hover, .sexy-syndicate, .sexy-syndicate:hover, .sexy-email, .sexy-email:hover { background:url('http://i44.tinypic.com/1znbj83.png') no-repeat !important; }
.sexy-furl { background-position:-300px top !important; }
.sexy-furl:hover { background-position:-300px bottom !important; }
.sexy-digg { background-position:-500px top !important; }
.sexy-digg:hover { background-position:-500px bottom !important; }
.sexy-reddit { background-position:-100px top !important; }
.sexy-reddit:hover { background-position:-100px bottom !important; }
.sexy-stumble { background-position:-50px top !important; }
.sexy-stumble:hover { background-position:-50px bottom !important; }
.sexy-delicious { background-position:left top !important; }
.sexy-delicious:hover { background-position:left bottom !important; }
.sexy-yahoo { background-position:-650px top !important; }
.sexy-yahoo:hover { background-position:-650px bottom !important; }
.sexy-blinklist { background-position:-600px top !important; }
.sexy-blinklist:hover { background-position:-600px bottom !important; }
.sexy-technorati { background-position:-700px top !important; }
.sexy-technorati:hover { background-position:-700px bottom !important; }
.sexy-myspace { background-position:-200px top !important; }
.sexy-myspace:hover { background-position:-200px bottom !important; }
.sexy-twitter { background-position:-350px top !important; }
.sexy-twitter:hover { background-position:-350px bottom !important; }
.sexy-facebook { background-position:-450px top !important; }
.sexy-facebook:hover { background-position:-450px bottom !important; }
.sexy-mixx { background-position:-250px top !important; }
.sexy-mixx:hover { background-position:-250px bottom !important; }
.sexy-script-style { background-position:-400px top !important; }
.sexy-script-style:hover { background-position:-400px bottom !important; }
.sexy-designfloat { background-position:-550px top !important; }
.sexy-designfloat:hover { background-position:-550px bottom !important; }
.sexy-syndicate { background-position:-150px top !important; }
.sexy-syndicate:hover { background-position:-150px bottom !important; }
.sexy-email { background-position:-753px top !important; }
.sexy-email:hover { background-position:-753px bottom !important; } </style>

2° Passo
Agora vamos aplicar os ícones no seu blog, para isso temos que fazer uma pequena configuração no seu template, volte na edição html do seu blog e marque "Expandir Modelos de Widgets" e procure pela tag <div class='post-footer'>
E cole o código a seguir logo ABAIXO desta tag:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='sexy-bookmarks'><ul class='socials'><li class='sexy-delicious'><a expr:href='"http://del.icio.us/post?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Add to Delicious'/></li>
<li class='sexy-digg'><a expr:href='" http://digg.com/submit?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Digg This Post'/></li>
<li class='sexy-technorati'><a expr:href='" http://technorati.com/faves?add=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Add to Technorati'/></li>
<li class='sexy-reddit'><a expr:href='" http://www.reddit.com/submit?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Add to Reddit'/></li>
<li class='sexy-stumble'><a expr:href='" http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Stumble This Post'/></li>
<li class='sexy-designfloat'><a expr:href='"http://www.designfloat.com/submit.php?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share on DesignFloat'/></li>
<li class='sexy-facebook'><a expr:href='" http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share on Facebook'/></li>
<li class='sexy-twitter'><a expr:href='" http://twitthis.com/twit?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share on Twitter'/></li>
<li class='sexy-furl'><a expr:href='" http://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp?u=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share on Furl'/></li>
<li class='sexy-syndicate'><a href='http://feeds2.feedburner.com/naeemnur' rel='nofollow' title='Subscribe to RSS'/></li>
<li class='sexy-email'><a expr:href='" mailto:?subject=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share on Email'/></li>
</ul><span class='sexy-rightside'/></div><div class='sexy-link'><span style='font-size: 60%'>Widget by <a href='http://blogando20.blogspot.com/' target='_blank' title='Dicas,Templates e Tutoriais'>Blogando 2.0</a></span></div></b:if>

Agora salve !

Este botões que eu postei agora eles tem um efeito que ao passar o mouse em cima cada icone sobe.

E bem legal espero que gostem !

3 comentários:

Shirley disse...

Muito bom, vou experimentar! Valeu pela dica, Francinelson! Abração!

francinelson disse...

De nada cara ! Só estou fazendo o que gosto mais !

Unknown disse...

realmente muito bom!

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